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Manuka honey is fast becoming known as liquid gold. What makes it so special is its unique non-peroxide activity (NPA) derived from MGO. This naturally occurring chemical process boosts the antibacterial and antiseptic properties. 

Manuka honey is mono-floral, meaning it is made from one species of flower. It is produced by bees that have fed on the Leptospermum tree, which flowers fewer than six weeks a year and grows wild in Australia and New Zealand. While Manuka honey has only recently come under the spotlight, its use dates back centuries as a traditional Indigenous medicine.

Our Australian Manuka Honey is rated using the MGO system, which is an abbreviation for Methylglyoxal. Every batch of Manuka honey must be lab tested to determine its activity and how potent its active enzymes are. The higher the MGO number, the higher the antibacterial activity and natural enzymes. 

If you open a jar of Nature's Gold raw Manuka Honey and there is foam on the top - this is due to air bubbles trapped in the honey during the aeration process and packaging. When the packaged honey rests, the air bubbles work their way up to the top of the container, creating the foam. There is nothing wrong with the honey or the foam.

Please note:  It is recommended that honey should not be given to children under 12 months old because of the high MGO.