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Formulated to be a complete and balanced paste that replaces essential Vitamins, Minerals, Electrolytes and Amino Acids lost during training, competition and stress.

What does Aminolyte do? 

The Blood – Folic acid is required to form haemoglobin, white blood cells and red blood cells. Red blood cell production also requires Vitamins B12, B6, B3 and B2

Metabolism – Metabolism in the body is a complex multi-component system that requires the presence of both Vitamins (B12, B6, B3, B2 and Folic acid) and Minerals (Zinc, Copper, Manganese and Phosphorous)

Bones, Joints and Teeth–Calcium, Phosphorous, Copper and manganese play important roles in the growth and maintenance of healthy bones, cartilage connective tissue and teeth.

The Skin, Coat and Mucous Membranes– Promotion of a healthy coat, skin and mucous membranes requires the presence of Vitamins B3, Vitamin B2, Zinc and Potassium.

The Nervous System–Vitamins B12. B6 and B2 along with Calcium and Phosphorous are all required for nerve function. Nerve conduction also relies upon having an adequate and balances supply of electrolytes, Potassium Sodium and Chloride

Muscle Growth and Energy

  • Isoleucine, Leucine and Vailine: required for growth, protein synthesis and energy production. Helps reduce muscle damage.
  • Arginine: Release of metabolic hormones and involved in immune response
  • Citrulline and Aspartic acid: Involved in nitric oxide production and vasodilation
  • Creatine and Betafin: Provides energy required for muscle contraction
  •  Beta Alanine: Regulation of Muscle acidity and fatigue resistance
  • Taurine: Involved in cardiac function